Tiverton Weightlifting Club
Devon & Cornwall Open Powerlifting Championships
which took place on Saturday 9th October 2021 at Sunningmead Community Centre. This year there were twenty seven lifters with the majority of them being first time lifters or novices. It was an enjoyable day with a decent crowd. The quality on show once again was of a good standard.
Open Power Lifting Championships
The Sixth SWPLA Devon & Cornwall Open Powerlifting Championships took place at Sunningmead on Sunday 6th October, hosted by Mark Rattenberry (Tiverton Weightlifting Club & Chairperson of Sunningmead).
On the day 41 lifters took to the platform, 19 females and 21 males, which was a fantastic showing by the women.
A sizeable audience witnessed some memorable lifting with a number of new South West records being set.
Thanks go out to all the Volunteers who helped to make it happen, especially the referees and spotters/loaders.
The next competition due to be held at Sunningmead Community Centre is a SWPLA Development Competition and University Qualifier on Sunday 23rd February 2020.
Start time is 10am for the Women’s lifters, Men’s lifters will be after the women.

I.A.W.A UK, Welsh Open Championship
At the I.A.W.A UK, Welsh Open Championship in Port Talbot on 7th September 2019, Mark Rattenberry our Chairperson and head of Tiverton Weightlifting Club came back with plenty of British Records and World Records for his efforts. Once again lifting over three disciplines, he totaled 272.5 kgs to place first in his category (55+, 65kg) and was especially pleased with his Hacklift World Record of 160kgs (pictured). Well done Mark.

Tiverton Weightlifting Club – News
March 2024
Our Chair, Mark Rattenberry, took part in the BDFPA (British Drug Free Powerlifting Association) National “Single Lift” Championships at Stanhope Hall in Horncastle, Lincs. on Sunday 3rd March 2024.
He recorded the following lifts to win his class and category and also achieved two British Records in the process for the following:
M5 (60-64) age class in the 67.5kg bodyweight category
Squat – 122.5kgs and Deadlift – 155.0kgs

June 2023
Mark Rattenberry (Our Chairperson and Head of our Tiverton Weightlifting Club) travelled to Ilkesdon, Derbyshire on 1st June and competed in the I.A.W.A (UK) (International all Round Weight Lifting Association) British All-Round Championships with a total of 270 kgs over three lifting disciplines which tested the whole body. He came second in his weight class and body weight category (55kg & 65kg).
Within his total Mark, achieved a World Record for a 2 hand zercher of 133 kgs, which had stood for over fifteen years.
Well Done Mark!

Tiverton Weightlifting Club – Information
If you are looking to start the new year by becoming a new you and want to increase general fitness, strength, stamina and improve your appearance, look no further than Tiverton Weightlifting, Devon’s premier “free weights” based club.
Located at Sunningmead Community Centre for over 10 years, expert instruction and national level coaching is provided by Mark Rattenberry, a regular competitor and ex-British Power-lifting and All Round Weightlifting champion with numerous British and World records.

Inman Mile – Mark Rattenberry
We are an all-inclusive club and wish to encourage people of all abilities, from 13 years of age.
Also, we are keen to see people take up the exciting and rewarding sport of “drug free” power-lifting, where participation has increased steadily in recent years.
Interested in joining? Come and meet us!
All abilities and ages (+13 years) welcome, we are an all inclusive
club meeting on
6.00PM – 8.00PM

Contact: MARK RATTENBERRY on 07985746769
Where are we
Contact Us
Sunningmead Community Association
Sunningmead Community Centre
Lazenby Road
EX16 4AL
Telephone: 01884 251147
Email: sunningmead@outlook.com
Social Media